The industries we serve
Our QHT technology is applicable across all industries, thanks to its innovative add-on design and industry standard components.
Compatible with all industries
The QHT: Qpinch Heat Transformer.
Introducing the Qpinch Heat Transformer: A breakthrough chemical heat pump that converts waste heat into carbon neutral industrial heat. This is a physico-chemical installation for medium to large scale (>10MW) applications, making it suitable for implementation across all processing industries, often in various departments. The add-on design of the units enables easy numbering up when capacity increases are needed.
Thanks to our QHT we can offer countless energy efficiency opportunities, across all industries.
Features and benefits

Supercharge your NET-ZERO mission

Attractive financials

Many applications, smart integration

Find out if we are a match
Our QHT installation is an add-on to your existing plant infrastructure. But not only the technical side needs examining. Our feasibility study also includes your unique project targets and requirements. Share the specifics of your project. We love a new challenge.